Pendragon Prints: Revolution


Revolution is, of course, a loaded term. However, I’m not talking about violent revolution, fueled by the demonizing of one group by another. This is a revolution of awareness and accountability. Our actions, from simple habits to grand schemes, have effects on the people around us, and on the world. It’s time to take full responsibility for our actions. And it’s time to hold our political,corporate and religious leaders accountable for theirs. We must see that the world is in our hands, and act accordingly.

I began life as an Earthling, that is, a person unconcerned with race, religion or nationality. I loved Canada and felt that I was fortunate to be here, but I also felt that the whole world was my home. It seemed that although I and my adopted family were here, chance could have placed me anywhere on Earth. I could have been any colour, spoken any language. I could have been learning about other customs and another land. I felt a warm kinship with everyone.

In my childhood, undistracted by facts, I imagined that we were all making a better world together. I assumed that the strong helped the weak. That those with more resources helped those with less. That better ideas, better ways, and better things were shared around the world, to make the best life possible for all of us. I assumed that, as the most powerful animal on Earth, we were good stewards of the planet; that we were mindful of the well-being of all creatures.

In my teens, at the start of the 70's, I learned just how wrong I was. It was profoundly disillusioning to realize that many of our most powerful leaders, whether political, corporate or religious, can imagine nothing loftier than the pursuit of ever more wealth and power. That for ego, material gain or ideology, they will ruin the land, corrupt our institutions, subjugate the weak, leave children to starve, let diseases run rampant, and frustrate the efforts of those who would do good works. And that people follow them. Whether we are too satisfied with our lot or too exhausted from our struggles, we will turn a blind eye to the fallout from our compliance. It’s a nightmare that I have never been able to content myself with.

More recently, as thRevolution is, of course, a loaded term. So, I’m not talking about violent revolution, fueled by the demonizing of one group by another. This is a revolution of awareness and accountability. Our actions, from simple habits to grand schemes, have effects on the people around us, and on the world. It’s time to take full responsibility for our actions. And it’s time to hold our political,corporate and religious leaders accountable for theirs. We must see that the world is in our hands, and act accordingly.

Click the Change The World icon for "What I'm On About!" and more info about the state of the planet plus some useful resources.

Click the Change Our Minds icon for essays, articles and more related to adjusting our perspective to better deal with our historically unique situation.

Click the Change Our Choices icon for info on revitalizing the card market.
This is not, perhaps, the number one priority on the planet, but it is the business I'm in. Coincidentally, it's state speaks to the need to support diversity in our arts so that they can reflect and inform us as we need them to during this critical time.